UI Designer / Visual Designer / Front-End Coder
• I did the initial site audit and shared my findings with the art director
• I collaborated with art director who was in meetings with stakeholders. I helped create sitemaps and wireframes.
• Based on our findings, I created prelimary mockups and final mockups, for desktop and mobile.
• All images created by me, finding old product photos from their previous site, and contacting client for new product photos and finding new photos to work with the overall theme.
•Designs, redlines and assets were given to off-site web developer and he did the some of the initial development
•I worked with another developer onsite and we worked on each site in Wordpress/Bootstrap to layout the sections and pages and tweak the test site over a 6 month time frame. I tweaked images and content to work properly on the site, taking into consideration client feedback before going live.
Photoshop, Illustrator, Wordpress, Bootstrap, HTML Editor
Problem Statement:
Ferrotec has 8 divisions including corporate. They wanted a redesign of all 8 sites with the user in mind to keep the site very visually focused.
Art Director, web developer, off-site web developer, client
Live Site: